The day after he supposedly left in such a strange manner, I suspected something terrible had happened.
After the battle, he leaves in a similar manner to the first film, carrying his helmet over his shoulder.
And George was determined to leave his physical form in a spiritual manner, even if he, too, were being attacked.
He had been furious to be left in such a manner, and refused, on principle, to run after her.
"He wasn't killed at the scene, and he was left there in a manner designed to indicate a ritual killing."
"You will leave in an orderly manner," the admiral ordered angrily.
What was left lay jaggedly over her skull in such a manner as to suggest that she had cut it herself.
It would be rude to leave company in such a manner, and my father would suspect something.
The two seconds adjusted the cases, and the whole party left the ground in a much more lively manner than they had proceeded to it.
I believe we have to escape from this dilemma, but we must leave in an orderly manner by the front door.