His power: can leave humans and vampires on pause, like statues and is learning to turn back time.
Once a nighthorse has experienced such sendings, it becomes addicted to them and will not leave humans alone.
Often, I feared that dogs were a way for humans to leave other humans behind.
"So you conveniently leave humans in the dark so they can't ever deal with the problem themselves?"
Not only that, the Squeem occupation had left humans with a legacy of high technology.
These do not usually cause a problem as they leave ferrets as quickly as they leave humans.
A baby could walk through there totally unharmed, because even the forest predators leave humans alone in Sorrows-well, that's the only anomalous thing about the area.
Like all the large predators in disneylands, she had been conditioned to leave humans alone.
Whatever the evolutionary trigger was, the sum of those adaptations has left humans with sporadic body hair patterns.
Given the choice bears tended to leave humans alone.