It would be easier not to act on security threats and to leave future leaders and generations to deal with the consequences.
A 3% annual population growth rate is unsustainable for the environment, and leaves younger generations without enough water or land for cultivation.
I want you to leave future generations with enough information to resurrect this dig site.
This would leave future generations with no benefits from a fund into which they poured their hard-earned wages.
What do we, as a society, want to leave future generations?
But what about the warnings that deficit spending will drive up interest rates and leave future generations saddled with debts?
Usually, both sides find their place in the repertory, leaving future generations to wonder what all the fuss was about.
If we continue to spend at current levels, we will leave future generations with permanent trillion dollar deficits.
Europe's biodiversity is the most precious legacy which we can leave future generations.
Second, there is a generally accepted moral obligation to try to leave future generations in a better position than their predecessors.