Another wave of layoffs earlier this month, combined with a stagnant share price and humdrum economy, has left employees wondering about the future.
That has left several employees with little to do but set up the office.
If companies freeze the pensions, what are employees left with?
Before leaving employees, a limited situation in which it is permissible for the directors to give priority to the interests of employees should be noted.
Low student number and inflexible management reluctant to adapt to the individual circumstances of the cities, have left employees nowhere to go.
Then they sold their shares before the fraud was exposed, leaving everyone else, employees and investors alike, with nothing.
"All these trends leave employees responsible" for their own security, Ms. Axel said.
This has left many employers and employees to improvise.
The woman's death has left fellow employees baffled.
More recently, unions have lost some of their significance, leaving employees in more direct control.