The company collapsed during July 2011 leaving debts of £11.8 million.
He never knew his mother, and his father died bankrupt, leaving only debts.
His activities as a patron left considerable debts for his descendants to deal with.
It is true that Mary left debts of something between £150,000 and £200,000.
He died in London 29 March 1652, leaving a large family and considerable debts.
They separated after seven years, and he committed suicide in 1776, leaving considerable debts.
He left assets of £10,000 and debts of £72,000.
About $1.1 billion in security costs and local improvements will leave public debts of $150 million.
Her father died when she was 11 years old, leaving debts.
His father has left huge debts, and the bank was foreclosing on Jacob's home.