Bishara resigned his Knesset office and left the country in 2007 amidst news that criminal charges were being laid against him.
Rather left the anchor position amidst controversy and a credibility crisis over reports broadcast in the heat of the 2004 presidential election campaign.
Shiva bowed, leaving immediately amidst a flash of his ghostly skin.
Norberto left the church amidst the good wishes and prayers of the parishioners.
I left then, feeling at once extremely foolish and halfway pleased, amidst an eager flood of relieved thanks.
They left, amidst a hail of tossed birdseed-better than rice, because it wouldn't hurt the birds to eat any that didn't get swept up.
Boskamp left at the end of the 2005-06 season, amidst a takeover by former chairman Peter Coates.
The recording ended, leaving the poet amidst his labor.
We sat down next to an older couple, who muttered to each other while glancing our way, and in ten minutes they left, amidst more muttering.
He left the group in 1968 amidst speculations of mental illness exacerbated by heavy drug use.