According to contemporary reports, the Russian guests left the property in "a complete mess" after their departure.
Most of the other members left soon after Bilsbury's departure for careers in other fields.
For this challenge teams were altered due to blue now having 4 members and red being left with 2 after Jason's departure.
He left Valiant soon after Jim Shooter's departure from the company.
Hachi leaves after Parker's safe departure, but comes back in the afternoon to see his master's train arrive and walk with him home again.
For 2012-13 Ronny moved into a more attacking midfield position, left vacant after his sibling's departure.
It was abandoned, looted and left in ruins after their departure, but has later been restored.
Nearly all the design and production staff left after her departure.
It seemed as though night had left him as a living fragment after its departure.
Savoli and Borrango did not leave the library immediately after the gang leader's departure.