In 1963, Bobby left Tucson for Los Angeles to further his music career.
The Tubacans, with their town virtually gone, left Tucson at about August 15, 1861.
Unfortunately there was no appropriate headship available at the time when he had a sudden, dire need to leave Tucson.
The settlers, who were mostly miners and ranchers, left Tucson on or about August 15, 1861.
Mary and Ryder settled into the routine they had enjoyed since leaving Tucson.
She had had her flow just after they left Tucson.
Others had left Tucson after them, but he could follow the tracks of Catlow's men with much difficulty.
I understood this power: telling off my boss at the 7-Eleven, for example, two days before I left Tucson.
Apaches had been fighting a bloody war in the region, leaving Tucson surrounded by occupied Apache land.
The leave was granted and Howell left Tucson for Michigan on June 11, 1864.