After leaving Tibet, he spent many years in retreat.
By 1959, he left Tibet with his parents and oldest brother and went to Sikkim where they lived for few years.
The exhibition, which runs through May 28, consists of about 150 works, many of which have never left Tibet.
The official was trying to arrange for them leave Tibet for Nepal.
Because of being implicated in this work, Tsering and her children had to leave Chinese occupied Tibet.
"The Chinese have ruled violently in our country and we want them to leave Tibet," the statement is reported to have read.
I have never really understood why everyone can't just leave Tibet in peace.
"Kundun" ends in 1959, when his people begged him to leave Tibet, to keep his country alive.
After leaving Tibet, you'll have to get the group visa changed to an individual one, if you are staying longer in China.
Vistet may know the details of leaving Tibet for Nepal.