The affair left Prussia deeply suspicious of anything in which Britain was involved.
The army left Prussia with over 1100 artillery pieces of various kinds and sizes.
This period in European history left Prussia with political unrest, as authoritarian governments took the places of democratic ones.
After sixteen years service he left Prussia, and endeavoured without success to obtain a commission in the Austrian army.
Because only the poorest were allowed to leave Prussia, there were no pastors among the settlers.
The crusaders agreed on a mission to Podolia, but refused to leave Prussia.
Humboldt is ecstatic when his mother dies, allowing him to leave Prussia.
While he later described himself as "by occupation a farmer", before leaving Prussia he had been superintendent of a silk factory for several years.
Joachim Mörlin, his main opponent, was obliged to leave Prussia in 1553.
Ehrenberg left Prussia in 1834 to move to the United States.