Forced to leave Kraków in 1583, he found a home with a Polish noble, Christopher Morsztyn, whose daughter Elizabeth he married (1586).
Schindler prepares to leave Kraków with his fortune.
He was descended on his father's side from Polish Jews, who left Kraków for Vienna in the 1850s.
They left Kraków on 2 August.
Dunikowski did not leave Kraków until 1940 when he was arrested by the Gestapo.
At the end of 1904 he left Kraków and moved his offices to Niepołomice, where he served as a city councilor and on the district court.
During the mobilization of the first days of the war he left Kraków in order to join his unit.
Having learned that the Russian garrison left Kraków, Kościuszko entered the city on the night of March 23.
In 1555 Wacław left Kraków, having received the title of "royal composer."
At 18 he left Kraków for Warsaw, where he studied philosophy and economics and became a Marxist.