It is after leaving Guyana that Jock, who had always loved great literature, became instrumental in the initiation of a British Literature prize.
In December 1998, Simon left Guyana and embarked on a series of journeys that would last until 2002.
The Chanes, together with other Arawak groups, left Guyana approximately 2,500 years ago.
Large migrations, including many Bahá'ís, left Guyana for other places, especially New York and Toronto.
On leaving Guyana, Hart moved to London, England, where he worked as a solicitor to a Local Government Authority from 1965 to 1982.
I don't even know if we're going to leave Guyana, the code two defence alert still hasn't been lifted.
On arrival the same people find their "sponsors" will only allow them to leave Guyana if they carry a "package" (usually cocaine).
Beaton taught and played with the calypso band The Four Bees before leaving Guyana for London in 1960.
He left Guyana in 1987 and has been resident in Barbados since that time.
When the missions had to leave Guyana because their residence permits were not renewed, 700 Wai-Wai people followed them to Brazil.