Dobbs was reportedly paid $8 million in severance pay when he left CNN prior to his contract being due for renewal.
Mr. Dobbs left CNN last year after a dispute with the channel's news management.
I leave CNN with the utmost respect, love, and admiration for the company and everyone who works here.
After Rook left CNN, the show had a string of recurring hosts.
After leaving CNN in early 2001, she turned her attention back to writing.
He left CNN in 1998 to work for Florida's News Channel which closed five years later.
He left CNN at the end of December 31, 2010.
Refusing to look up, I take my paper-thin garment bag and leave CNN behind.
"It's not that she's leaving CNN; she's found an amazing opportunity and we're sure she'll be successful in all of her endeavors."
Kessel began producing and co-producing independent television programming after leaving CNN in 2003.