This was a long, leather tube filled with ballast that was intended to help gauge and maintain a fixed altitude over the ice.
Not wasting further time, Richenda yanked the end off the leather tube and shook out the contents.
The gasses escaped via two leather tubes attached at the top of the barrel.
Yelena walked in carrying a long leather tube.
On his desk was a leather tube; Paks could see the paper rolled inside.
Are you aware," she asked him, "that each of those hides constitutes a wrist-wide, sound leather tube nine or ten cubits long?
From their leather tube he took the forty-nine yarrow stalks.
Karede pressed the leather tube of the looking glass to his eye.
A bellows powered by oxen walking around a windlass blew air into a leather tube, which led to the tunnel face.
Paks pulled the leather tube from her tunic and passed it over.