Pushing open the door, he slapped the worn leather hilt of his broadsword with a mirthless laugh.
The Roman swiftly wiped his sword hand free of sweat and gripped the leather hilt of his gladius.
Rod drew his dagger, glad of the insulation provided by the leather hilt.
Above his right shoulder the stained leather hilt of the blade strapped to his back was visible; a two-handed greatsword, too long to be worn at his side.
Gabriel fingered the leather hilt of the stiletto.
He laid a hand upon the reassuring leather hilt of his longsword.
Self-consciously, he looked at the plain leather hilt, the worn scabbard that had rotted away to reveal some of the glistening silver blade and its ancient runes.
Inch by inch, the scuffed leather hilt of Murtagh's hand-and-a-half sword came into view.
The Scotsmen spread before them, each one fingering the leather hilt of his silver-plated dagger and looking eager to use it.
"I don't know," he replied, but nonetheless reached for the simple leather hilt and took the sword.