She plucked up the edge of Tash's undone leather bodice and thrust it between the teeth of the Talasorn sorceress to keep her from biting her own tongue.
The redhaired Saxon woman hung her head, but her nipples were dark and turgid above her leather bodice, and her pale blue eyes glittered with repressed excitement.
A moment later, a short-haired woman in a black leather bodice and trousers that fit like a second skin slouched forward to meet them, her white-painted face set in a forbidding scowl.
Clearwater began loosening the thongs that held Roz's leather bodice together.
The leather bodice makes Leighton look flat and figureless.
There was nothing else to do then but finish her porridge, strip off her leather bodice and skirt, and lie down in her bedding.
I do wish I'd worn something other than this heavy linen skirt-and I wish I'd left off the leather bodice.