You will need to have a title search done, peruse a property survey and check the leasing contracts and rent rolls, among other things.
The additional $5 million a year in revenue that would be realized from the leasing contract is less than 1 percent of the university's entire operating budget.
The leasing contract for Total Plaza was taken with Bonano and Amundsen.
Before Ford Credit took action, the company's leasing contract was a wordy muddle of information.
As a highlighted clause in a display of an original leasing contract makes clear, the new town excluded "any person other than members of the Caucasian race."
Prices otherwise vary depending in part on the individual dances and on the length of the leasing contract, which usually runs from two to three years.
However high operating and maintenance costs led TABA to end the leasing contract.
After half a year, the leasing contract was terminated.
One question before the legislature was whether or not the state could terminate the leasing contract it had signed, which didn't expire until December 31, 1895.
The rig was valued by the leasing contract at US$4.75 million.