He was like a leashed dog with a choke-strap about his neck.
Scanning the streets below him, Neal spotted a man wandering along the sidewalk behind a leashed dog.
A young woman nearby also with a leashed dog was prevailed upon to accept the $20, but she, too, looked leery.
Since many leashed dogs naturally tend to pull a skier with no training, the sport cannot claim a single country of origin.
More than a few carried shotguns or rifles, and here and there he saw leashed dogs.
Although many of the men were armed and several held leashed dogs, none were venturing into the nearby fields.
They clearly existed to do her bidding, and reminded Alec of ferocious leashed dogs.
From the comer of his eye, he notices the soldier snap to attention, like a leashed dog yanked to alertness.
It is not like Northmen to let one temporary defeat keep them in check like leashed dogs.
One shows a child flying off a bicycle, and another shows a leashed dog pulling its airborne owner.