The land, leased to a developer for $1, was technically private property.
Land where vacant buildings now stand will be leased to a developer, providing revenue to the park system.
Eventually the NCC leased the site to a developer who erected an 11-storey luxury apartment building, which opened in 2004.
The site of the existing engineering building will be leased to a developer once the move has been completed.
But by 1998, the family's $1.2 million endowment had dwindled to $114,000, and the trust was contemplating leasing it to a developer.
The city plans to lease the aging buildings, at 280 Broadway and 49-51 Chambers Street, to a developer in the next few months.
The foundation then leased the land to a private developer who built the mall and who now leases space to individual retailers.
The district will lease the retail space to a developer, in hopes of raising extra revenue.
In the 1960s, the partners leased the site to a developer that hoped to expand it as an Old West theme park.
The state will retain ownership, leasing the property to a developer for $1 a year.