Our lease specifically states that the owner must be "in occupancy" when "friends" are staying in an apartment.
The lease will state whether you or the landlord need to arrange insurance for the premises.
The shelter had planned on moving from that location in 2009 when their lease expired, but stated that they would be leaving early because of Kink.com's presence.
But, Mr. Coscia said, the lease states that a tenant must get the agency's approval of a transfer of ownership interest.
The lease states that the Boy Scouts "can use no more than 75% of all available aquatic activities up to 7 days prior."
His lease clearly states that we have the right to show the house at any time with simply a half hour's telephone notice.
And all leases should state clearly who pays for maintenance and repairs.
"Instead, the proprietary lease should state that consent to any subletting shall be subject to any conditions directors or shareholders impose."
The council says the 1987 lease states a pharmacy could only be built there if a doctor's surgery was on the site as well.
The lease stated that I needed to notify the owner by Jan. 1, 1999, of my intention to renew.