Researchers have noted strong reactivation of the hippocampus during sleep immediately after a learning task.
Pedagogy in this case actually makes the learning task more difficult.
There are three major learning paradigms, each corresponding to a particular abstract learning task.
However, in less complex perceptual learning tasks, people can point out what information they're using to make classifications.
As a result, representational resources may be wasted on areas of the input space that are irrelevant to the learning task.
The sign system thus involves a great learning task.
The first reasonably reliable and convincing learning task for Drosophila involved training them using just this sense of smell.
From this perspective, the original learning task and the "later activity" look very much alike.
Psychological distance is the extent to which individual learners are at ease with their target-language learning task.
Self-discipline at an early age can make it possible for a child to stay with a challenging learning task.