CSI uses a blended learning methodology for its programs.
Strategic Structure introduces the learning methodology which helps support the understanding of components in English structure, resulting in the increasing speed in reading comprehension and grammatical accuracy in writing.
Professional Action Learning (PAL) is a learning methodology used at Fremont College.
This together with creative learning methodologies and careful nurturing provided by the teachers, facilitate the children to be primed for the primary years programme.
In 1967, the SON adopted the self-directed, problem-based, student-centered learning methodology.
The school's nontraditional discovery-based learning methodology has been cited as resulting in improved cognitive and reasoning skills in students.
It transacts CBSE curricula with creative learning methodology.
Economics education studies recommend the adoption of more active and collaborative learning methodologies (Greenlaw, 1999).
Through an agreement signed with Harvard Business School Publishing, Ibmec makes available to students (especially graduate students) case studies produced by that institution as part of their learning methodology.
CBTs provide learning stimulus beyond traditional learning methodology from textbook, manual, or classroom-based instruction.