The amygdala is an important brain structure when it comes to learning fearful responses, in other words, it has an impact on how people remember traumatic things.
The real challenge for parents of chronic liars isn't spotting the lies, but finding the underlying issues and helping the child learn other responses.
Help children learn better responses to their feelings of jealousy and envy.
Generally, organisms with more complex nervous systems have a greater capacity to learn new responses and thus adjust their behavior.
Fry himself has worried that he is "just an accretion of pastiches and parodies and learned responses."
After a career as a catcher, it is not a surprise that Piazza lacks the instincts or learned responses of a seasoned first baseman.
Jabberwacky learns new responses and context based on real-time user interactions, rather than being driven from a static database.
Mariners learn responses to dangerous situations, such as steering failure, in the safety of a virtual environment.
But reactions to most aromas are believed to be learned responses.
Their purpose is for the members to learn about themselves from their spontaneous "here and now" responses to an ambiguous hypothetical situation.