To learn English as a second language, however, an immigrant can go to just about any of the branches.
They get their first brainmod at one year, and learn it as a first language.
But most have been sent into courses to earn a high school equivalency degree or to learn English as a second language.
Pinyin is now used by foreign students learning Chinese as a second language.
Chácobo children are learning the language as a first language.
The curriculum is taught in Chinese but students are required to learn English as a second language.
Beginning in the 6th grade, students learn French or German as a second foreign language.
This summer project sees more than 300 international students come to the college to learn English as a second language.
Of these seven million people, 47.7% learned it as a second language.
He was like Sesame in that respect; many animals learned human talk as a second language.