Hunt Oil, by contrast, is a lean organization, able to make quick decisions and move fast.
One year on the workforce stands at 300, a lean organisation with a name that is respected and well known in the trade.
It functions as a lean organisation, working widely in partnership with other organisations.
Rationalizing its intent for a lean but mean organization.
"All of us wore a lot of hats; we had to, we're a lean organization in which everyone has to play more than one role."
Both companies are lean organizations that hire actors on an as-needed basis.
The experience with these conferences demonstrated the need for a lean and efficient organisation of optical activities in Europe.
It runs an even leaner organization than most retailing luminaries.
As a leaner organization, they say, Intel can react more quickly to a changing market.
The problem will be trying to cut costs in an already lean organization to cover the heavy debt that the company is taking on.