But his model of creativity and efficiency is not merely a leaner, flatter company.
"I'm confident we will become a leaner, better-focused and more profitable company, irrespective of industry conditions," he added.
"These can be very lean companies with low overhead."
"We have come out of 2006 a leaner, more efficient company, more focused than where we were a year ago," he said yesterday.
This may be acceptable when the financial reports are restricted to senior managers, but a lean company will seek to empower the entire workforce.
At least one of the industry's most prominent executives is confident that Dell, as a lean, fast-moving company, can rebound quickly.
"Less than 30 percent is a lean company," he said.
There's a fundamental change going on in the economy - permanently leaner companies after downsizings.
Aceto is a lean company and does this well and profitably.
Instead, the reorganization will result in a leaner, more competitive company, executives said.