Patch jumped nimbly to the cluttered surface and leaned companionably against her side.
He reached the end of his line and stopped to lean companionably on the forbidding stone statue of some noted Silvestri ancestor.
Rebecca leaned companionably against her brown mare, then closed her eyes so the remaining warmth of the day could touch her eyelids.
We sat down and leaned companionably against the wall, which was faintly warm even thought it lay deep in shade.
Fastening her belt, Raven walked to him, then leaned companionably on his shoulder.
Standing his own guitar case on end, the Dark Adept leaned companionably against the top of it.
Eve leaned companionably on the counter.
Eve found herself grinning, leaning companionably against Roarke.
Enjoying herself, Eve leaned companionably on the U-shaped counter.
He came up to Conrad and leaned companionably against his leg.