In 1995 and 1996, the leakage rate when the tunnel was running full bore was estimated at 25 million gallons to 34 million gallons a day, engineers reported.
Hydrogen accelerates the cracking of steel (hydrogen embrittlement), which increases maintenance costs, leakage rates, and material costs.
About a week ago the leakage rate rose by as much as a half-gallon a day.
So a leakage rate of 3.6l/hour (0.06l/min) could be expected.
The second study produced design charts for estimating the leakage rate through a revolving door.
Unlike the curves for estimating the transfer rate also published in this study, the curves for estimating the leakage rate are more generic.
Relating the observed CPAM response to the Rb back to a leakage rate from the primary system is far from trivial.
Whereas they have improved a lot since then, in 2005 Scottish water's leakage rate was twice the England and Wales average (50% comapred to 23%).
The report called on the Energy Department to immediately begin a series of experiments to determine leakage rates and how they might alter conditions in the repository.
The new material, technically known as a high K gate dielectric, has a leakage rate 10,000 times lower than silicon dioxide, Intel said.