The known information is likely to lead to the missing child The alert can be banned if the leak of information is threatening the child's life.
Although Hillary Clinton refused to comment on specific reports, she claimed that the leaks "put people's lives in danger" and "threatens national security."
And, second, because the President and Secretary of State seem to have wisely concluded that the leaks about Israel threatened to seriously damage relations with a friend and an ally.
The leaks threaten Scarpetta's position, especially after she is forced to admit that her office database has been compromised.
Finally, when a leak from the Chicago River threatens to flood the city's elaborate system of underground tunnels, Vic enters a dangerous world she never knew about before.
The first shuttle flight since the Challenger disaster is scheduled for September, although a leak in a gas line is threatening to delay it.
The tent had sprung a few leaks and rivulets of mud threatened the rugs, but the crowd, having swelled to about 70 by 10 p.m., was rapt.
Likewise, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's allegation that this particular leak threatens national security has the appearance of hyperbole.
A leak threatens the long-planned repository for contaminated waste in a New Mexico salt bed.
The Australian government had kept the find secret for about thirty days, until leaks through investigating military and scientific agencies threatened to scoop them on the greatest story of all time.