With both eyes squeezed shut and leaking helpless tears, he failed to notice when the officer of the watch stopped sniggering.
As he tried to sit up, Vanyel realized that he was still leaking tears.
He wiped savagely at his face, and Nora saw that his eyes were leaking tears.
Both women were leaking tears before it was over.
When she turned back to face Photius, her eyes were leaking tears.
His eyes, leaking tears, caught hers, rolled madly, and looked away.
"I've never been the only one with that idea," I assured him, and noticed I was leaking tears.
He saw a fat, black man shoot up from the subway, leaking blood, sweat and tears, bringing pandemonium with him.
He was holding his family, his good eye leaking tears as he gathered them close.
I exclaimed, wiping at the slowly leaking tears.