But honestly, it's just as enjoyable to gaze up at the tower from the leafy street below.
They looked forward to watching their children grow up on a leafy street with neat lawns and backyard barbecues.
She likes walking down her leafy new street and hearing the sounds of birds.
It is a growing suburb with many Queenslander style houses and leafy streets.
In addition it has a pleasant and leafy main street with extensive views looking west across the Drino valley.
Ms. Hemingway had recently moved into a studio apartment on quiet, leafy street near the beach.
Beyond the leafy old streets of Frankfort, the whole tableau would be green, blue and sand.
Twenty-three doctors gathered this morning to examine him at his house on a leafy street here.
The house stood in a leafy street in the southern suburbs.
Such things as violent death and gunshots do not happen on a leafy street of $400,000 homes, many of them said.