In the arena of the war that falls under "psychological operations," allied forces have showered Iraqi troops with leaflets urging capitulation.
Similar leaflets urging Iraqi gunners to hold their fire were dropped a year ago, officials said.
Today, army patrols continued to search for rebels as helicopters buzzed the mountainsides, dropping leaflets urging teenage guerrillas to surrender.
American aircraft have been dropping leaflets urging the Iraqi military not to resist.
Before venturing into the city, the Americans dropped leaflets urging the residents to stay inside, advising them that anyone out would be presumed to be an enemy.
Merchants closed their shops, and organizers distributed leaflets urging the Egyptians not to cooperate with the mission.
Fans responded to the announcements by littering the ice and passing out leaflets urging a boycott of the team during Chicago's last regular season game in 1964-65.
Meanwhile, nationalist organizations were reportedly spreading leaflets urging citizens to boycott banks and goods coming from the countries that support the independence of Kosovo.
Then he explained why he had responded to the leaflets dropped all over town urging people to come hear the 47-year-old former lieutenant colonel.
In 1955, he was court-martialed on 13 charges, later reduced to 9, that included making propaganda broadcasts and signing leaflets urging American soldiers to surrender.