She gazed at the sharp shadow the sun cast on the leaf-strewn ground before her.
Keeping Manekato's broad back in sight, Emma stepped cautiously over a muddy, leaf-strewn ground.
By the time they had managed to get the boat out of the cleft and onto the leaf-strewn ground outside, she was completely exhausted.
No one came riding across the exquisitely smooth, leaf-strewn ground to bridge the trench, let them in.
Losing her balance, she fell on her bottom on the leaf-strewn ground.
He took a deep breath, and watched his blood drip onto the leaf-strewn ground.
Just to her left, the leaf-strewn ground looked scraped.
It paused, pointing its shining horn at the leaf-strewn ground.
She was going to collapse onto this hard, leaf-strewn ground and all she wanted was for the dirt to feel cool against her face.
She sees herself on leaf-strewn ground and picks up the branch, telling herself "It's just an object.