For several hours he sat there, slowly leafing through the pages, noting all the flaws, all the possible contradictions that Gehns particular writing style threw up.
Benjamin had been leafing slowly through the file while the President talked.
Shapiro reached across the table for McBride's medical file and, opening it, began to leaf slowly through its pages.
Cahill sat in his cubicle, slowly leafing through the files and bank statements retrieved from the fireproof safe in Sarah's closet.
Big Smiley leafed through them slowly without a change of expression.
After looking for long moments at the silver-covered book, he slowly leafs through it until he finds the page he recalls.
Leafing slowly, his fingers skimming the pages, he said, without looking up, "I do know, in case you're wondering.
'I'm sure there's one in here someplace,' he says, leafing slowly through an issue he has found on the back seat.
He slowly leafed through his treasure trove of mental images of Nina, and the effect was soothing.
To one side, a bearded graduate student was leafing slowly through a book on the counter, debating.