The yellow light of Laura cast leaf shadows on the floor.
Old trees towering into the summer sky, dappling the ground with the interplay of leaf shadow and sunbeams.
In the westering sun, the strawberry trees shed elongated leaf shadows on the flagstone floor of the restaurant patio.
When a fluctuant breeze shivered branches, the pavement crawled with jittering leaf shadows.
It was such a pleasant day, the sun made leaf shadows on the ground around, and a few high, lazy clouds drifted in the sky.
A taupe and brown wallpaper pattern of hazy leaf shadows extended from the walls onto sliding doors.
The yards on Rachel's street were dappled with leaf shadows.
The sheet of canvas overhead glowed with soft light and leaf shadows, but the sun was not yet fully up.
In the clearing were a few small, white slabs, with light moving over them, and leaf shadows, green, mauve, and indigo.
A breeze came sniffing through the window, and leaf shadows from a tree outside played fitfully upon the wall.