A few widely scattered clumps of long-haired white goats browsed on patches of tough grass and even the leaves of thorny bushes.
Fiery rocks streaked down before the cave entrance, slicing holes in the wide leaves of trees and bushes.
A buffalo pound resembled a huge corral with walls covered by the leaves of thick bushes.
Urials feed mainly on grass but are able to eat leaves of trees and bushes if needed.
The hoatzin (pronounced WAHT-seen) is the only bird known to dine almost exclusively on the green leaves of bushes and trees.
These gazelles feed on leaves, flowers, and pods of many species of acacia trees, as well as the leaves, twigs and fruits of various bushes.
Occasionally, they rest on leaves of bushes with wings outspread and stationary.
He dismantled the sheets of woven grass and hid them in the thick leaves of nearby bushes.
Bullets thudded into the earth, whipped the wet leaves of bushes with spurting fury.
Adults fly in full sunshine, but occasionally settle beneath the leaves of bushes.