New Jersey was a leading state in expanding coverage.
California was the leading state for the second year in a row, with 36 percent of the 1989 investment.
Oregon is a leading state in implementing, adapting, and taking innovative approaches to health care reform.
However, in 1898, New Jersey, at the time the leading corporate state, changed its law to allow this.
Until the 1970's New York was economically the leading state in the Union.
The clearer and larger the concentration of power in the leading state, the more peaceful the international order associated with it will be.
California is a leading state and around 20 percent of California's electricity comes from renewable sources.
Virginia is the leading state in reporting disqualifications based on mental health criteria for the federal check system, the statement said.
The party wishes to bring education to the forefront, aiming to turn California into a leading state for academic achievement.
The company's many advances made Indiana the leading state in the production and development of medicines.