To her surprise, there was no seeding for the event and her name had been drawn to play Eleanor Goss, a leading American player.
The Wildcats' leading player is Jonathan Haynes, a 6-3 junior guard.
An unsuccessful two year spell in charge saw Tucker fall out with Wales' leading player and captain Jayne Ludlow.
The leading economic players in Mr. Yeltsin's Government, many of them relatively young, have good academic credentials and understand how economies should work.
This pragmatic approach is widely recognised by virtually all leading international players, including the EU, Russia and China.
If he has no partner and no team and does not know any leading American players, that chance goes down virtually to zero.
It emerged from this period of growth as one of the leading international players in industrial property, business space and fund management.
Civilian is a street artist operating out of Melbourne, Australia, who has been profiled as a 'leading player' of "the city's vibrant stencil art scene".
New partners and existing shareholders expect ACT Airlines to become a leading regional and international player.
However, if this is not to be a protracted competitive disadvantage for the Union, it must meet with an equivalent response from other leading international players.