I think in many respects he's emerged as one of the leading champions on immigration.
The building is named after Ambassador Paul L. Cejas, who has been one of Florida International University's leading champions over the past two decades.
But in an election year everything follows some political calculation, even the appointment of Mr. Hall, 60, with his record as one of Congress's leading champions for the hungry.
And in that time, Mrs. Clinton has become one of the company's leading champions, delivering for it like no other Democratic lawmaker.
Aided by a sharp tongue and penetrating intelligence, he has become Brussels' leading champion of wide-open competition.
And in that time, Mrs. Clinton has become one of the company's leading champions.
Today he is the proud owner of Working Woman, Working Mother and Ms. magazines, the leading champions of female empowerment in mainstream publishing.
One of the system's leading champions is John Sie, senior vice president of Denver-based Tele-Communication Inc., which owns cable systems around the country.
Lt. Governor Brown has become one the leading champions for the increased use of Public-Private Partnerships to advance infrastructure projects in Maryland.
Mr. Boren, for years a leading champion of campaign finance legislation, said before the session: "I hope afterwards we have a timetable and goals.