I think the leadership is recognizing that in a democracy it's important to hold a consensus together.
True leadership would recognize issues that are important, and those that are better put to rest.
It sounds reasonable to say that the Iraqi political leadership must recognize that no one will benefit from a civil war.
Significantly, the military leadership recognizes that the armed forces cannot hope to win the war against the insurgents if such violations continue.
But I think the leadership recognizes the political pitfalls of being so extreme on the environment.
Russia's leadership recognises how deep and broad the problem is.
The political leadership in this city must also recognize that the problems connected to minority youths are mammoth.
The central leadership has sometimes recognized their affiliation, but the amount of coordination with these groups is believed to be low.
Now power has shifted, and the new leadership recognizes the advantage of expansion and tight control over member chapters.
Instead, the founding leadership recognized that both schools would need separate, though cooperative, identities.