And we hope that the Iranian leadership will choose the path of working with the international community to abide by its obligations.
And, while it may be that their leadership chose to put out disinformation, I don't think they did.
"The leadership chose to deal with those who had authority before the people."
In such cases leadership may choose to deny the risk.
For much of that time, the Council's leadership chose to negotiate with the mayor rather than face mayoral vetoes.
Having the leadership in this country choose to lie for political reasons is a grievous enough failure.
If the Soviet leadership chooses a market economy and democracy, this must be welcomed by the West in more than words.
The leadership of the minority party chooses remaining four members.
There are two ways the Republican leadership might choose to reverse the vote in the House today.
The Saudi leadership, accustomed to rule through censorship and subsidies, may not have chosen to see them fall.