His heroism, valor, and leadership characteristics are in the finest traditions of the United States Army and reflect great credit upon him and the military service.
Ram has helped to define and popularize the idea of business acumen being an essential leadership characteristic in management.
Alpha Sigma Lambda, a general scholarship honor society for non-traditional undergraduate students who achieve and maintain outstanding scholastic standards and leadership characteristics.
"There are no universal leadership characteristics," they write, adding that modeling yourself after successful leaders also doesn't work.
This refers to the peak of a five-tier hierarchy of leadership characteristics presented in the books.
In addition to many of the measured outcomes related to increased endurance, alertness, capacity for stress management, and team cohesion, participants unexpectedly demonstrated significant increases in leadership characteristics.
Strozzi Institute has stressed that leadership characteristics often considered innate are actually teachable, and can be markedly improved by anyone willing to learn how to practice them.
"I said you sat in the front row and revealed leadership characteristics."
Within the game, Dwarf Ironbreakers have high weapon skills, good strength and great armour and leadership characteristics.
The critical leadership characteristics of good judgment and the willingness to take risks are not the kind of thing one acquires from a leadership development program.