The leaderless movement was developing leaders.
Although these early splits left the movement divided and sometimes leaderless, it allowed Lydia Becker to have a stronger influence.
The ELA is also a leaderless movement, although in contrast to the ELF, the first group did not publish any guidelines.
Activists in the leaderless movement readily admit that ensuring consensus in a non-hierarchical has its challenges.
A leaderless, non-hierarchical movement has got them this far and they plan to continue in the same vein.
And there I was thinking that Occupy was a leaderless, classless, apolitical movement.
We're seeing Americans rise up to take their government back through a leaderless, online-based movement.
In some cases, a largely leaderless movement may evolve into a coherent insurgency or guerrilla movement, as successfully occurred with the Yugoslav partisans of World War II.
Yet it is a mistake to equate these formal bodies with the widespread and largely leaderless, self-organizing movement that has emerged in Venezuela.
He has published Christopher Hitchens and Noam Chomsky, but this is his first book by a leaderless movement.