Earlier in the day, the two leaders also sang the song at a lavish banquet while joining hands.
The robbers were all uneducated, and thought that the leader was merely singing a song as usual.
'He is the sweet water we drink and the dark clouds that come at last to break the drought,' the leader sang.
The leader sings, and the people in the circle respond by singing the chorus of the songs.
A leader sang each line with the congregation repeating.
Or when the leader is singing karaoke, you can't accidentally switch to the next song.
The leader sings first and others follow him.
Their leader played no instrument, but sang a set of unfamiliar words to a familiar war-time tune:
Government officials and military leaders have publicly sung the troops' praises .
The simplest form of antiphony is when a leader sings something and a group (the choir) sing something back.