When the campaign began, Wafd leaders settled on that one word as their defining theme.
Finally, the leaders have settled on huge cuts in tax credits for working poor families, effectively raising their taxes.
The truth is that Chinese leaders have settled on a policy of saying what they mean to the world.
Central American leaders, scorning his policies, have settled on a peace plan of their own.
The leaders settled on advanced research.
The whole Lombard territory was divided into 36 duchies, whose leaders settled in the main cities.
If things never get sensitive and personal, then leaders are probably settling for less than the best.
Their leader, Kurti, will not settle for anything but unconditional independence.
The legislative leaders had not settled on a candidate to stand against Hanna, and discussions continued until January 10, a day before the houses would vote.
Instead of unanimity, the leaders of the West's seven major industrial powers settled for chumminess.