"Republican leaders resented her independence."
Historically sensitive about their sovereignty and dignity, China's leaders resent foreign criticism.
The leaders of the planetary population would deeply resent that.
Sunni leaders still resent the American invasion, and the imposition of an electoral process that ended centuries of Sunni dominance.
Native American leaders such as King Philip resented the loss of land and looked for a means to slow or reverse it.
In addition, many local leaders resented the way it was imposed from outside without understanding of local issues.
Society's leaders did not greatly mind reading about her love affairs, but deeply resented the vicious and easily recognisable portraits of themselves.
Senior leaders resented having to appeal to the much younger Ozawa for support.
Next season the "Game of the Week" will be taken away, as if baseball's leaders resented fans mooching the free games all those years.
Once Philadelphia began to grow, its leaders resented having to go to New Castle, which was a lengthy trip by horse.