Several delegations have already indicated that their leaders may present new aid offers when they address the Earth Summit.
But the military leaders present us with options which they know are to be a last resort.
This was a monumental change, because leaders have always presented the monetary union as irrevocable.
The leader inevitably presents himself as a Samaritan, saving his ship from disaster.
Through them the socialist leaders of both countries presented their ultimatum to the rulers.
Furthermore, China's leaders present their country as an alternative to the meddling power of the West.
The leaders presented several new ideas, including having a union health fund lend the city $200 million at low interest rates.
The society's leaders regularly present the society's position at the various planning and building committees that take place during the year.
But even as Republican leaders presented a united facade, the ranks were cleaving behind them.
Before, Russian leaders presented their American counterparts with a threat.