But Democratic leaders postponed the vote until this coming Thursday, saying members were confused about what the two plans contained.
Adding to those concerns, Turkey's leaders today postponed a parliamentary vote on whether to allow American combat troops to use the country as a base for attacking Iraq.
A14 British and Irish leaders postponed a meeting.
Parliamentary leaders in Bonn have been postponing consideration of several painful issues, including immigration, until after the elections.
To know: Unable to gather enough support from within their party, Republican leaders abruptly postponed a vote on John Boehner's debt-ceiling proposal.
Because of bitter disagreements, the party's leaders postponed the primaries twice and began the weekend convention, scheduled to start on Saturday, on Sunday evening.
And it is no favor to reform-minded Soviets, he argues, to encourage the leaders to postpone the hard decisions with easy credit.
The leaders repeatedly postponed their weekly Tuesday meeting, eventually starting it at about 9 P.M.
This has profound implications for other parts of Labour's organisation, which is why leaders from Hugh Gaitskell to Neil Kinnock have postponed the change.
The Senate almost voted to repeal the estate tax last fall, but Republican leaders postponed the vote after Hurricane Katrina.