But in statements in recent years, leaders have portrayed themselves as victims of "a war campaign" led by Communists and Zionists.
Our leaders insistently portrayed this creaking shambles of an empire as an indestructible colossus.
The newly chosen Republican congressional leaders portrayed themselves as custodians of the future.
Generally, the leaders portray their actions as a temporary and unfortunate necessity.
Republican leaders, citing what they call a public desire for lower taxes, portray the traditional arguments for the estate tax as hopelessly outdated and out of step.
Republican leaders have portrayed Mr. Wilson as a partisan Democrat with an agenda.
Thrasymedes was one of the more prominent younger leaders portrayed in the Iliad, though not to the extent of his brother.
Although dozens of cases of science fraud have come to light in the last decade, scientific leaders have often portrayed the incidents as rare events.
At home, the Venezuelan leader portrays such steps as a kind of aggression by an already unpopular Bush administration.
Today's leaders publicly portray the dam as a triumph of the national will and describe a resettlement program on schedule.