Environmental leaders have emphasized the wisdom of going slowly with new technologies.
Some leaders are emphasizing nationalism, which has a certain populist appeal with uncertain implications.
Yet, the Russian leader emphasized the need for cooperation as the G-8 meetings begin.
Some Democrats declined to attend his speech, though their leaders emphasized that there had been no organized boycott.
Political leaders emphasize the importance of the union's treating Turkey delicately.
But in the usually polarized Congress, the leaders emphasized their commitment to work across party lines on this issue.
It is not an issue that earlier leaders, with less visible ideological rudders, might have emphasized as strongly.
Philosophers, economists and political leaders have long emphasized human well being as the purpose, or the end, of development.
But the new leaders emphasize the streamlining in the public sector as a new model.
The leaders over the last three years, she said, emphasized value investing and small- or mid-cap stocks.